Have you ever considered the benefits of having a meeting with your team daily?
While it may initially sound dull, inefficient, or like a time-waster, a stand-up meeting aims to be the complete opposite. Designed to replace lengthy and unproductive meetings, this concept can become an invaluable tool for your project, streamlining communication and enhancing efficiency.
Most people were used to physical person-to-person conversations, with an array of resources that cannot be replicated in a video meeting. Virtually sharing a cup of coffee to talk about last night's game is just not the same…
In this context, daily Stand-up meetings also have changed. Do you feel like standing in front of your computer while sharing blockers you have encountered? Have you found a replacement for tossing a ball to the next speaker?
Maybe you could do things a little differently, better adapt, and, why not, avoid wasting your budget.
What is a stand-up meeting?
A stand-up meeting is a short and focused daily gathering where team members share task updates and discuss any obstacles. These meetings are called “stand-ups” because people stand up during them to stay energized and focused. They are designed to be no longer than 15 minutes.
But does such a brief meeting really works? Can all the crucial points be discussed in just 15 minutes? Definitely! The secret is in the format: it's a quick, informative, and to-the-point session that focuses on sharing essential information.
During the stand-up, each participant answers 3 fundamental questions:
What did you do yesterday?
What will you do today?
Did you find any obstacles?
Stand-ups play a fundamental role in enhancing teamwork and efficiency. According to the Agile Alliance, there exist three main benefits when you adopt these daily meetings:
a. Sharing current critical knowledge
You want to make sure nothing essential falls through the cracks. The information must constantly flow to enhance collaboration and ensure everyone can save time by avoiding redoing stuff or getting out of focus. It also helps to identify obstacles, take action and adapt plans more quickly.
b. Team cohesion
Meeting regularly to exchange important information and support one another contributes to the overall well-being of the team, fostering a sense of connection and harmony. Additionally, it can serve as a daily ritual for colleagues, helping them start their workday with a positive mindset.
c. Straight and to the point
By having some well-defined rules, whether you follow the traditional structure or opt for a customized approach, the core concept of stand-ups is to be as quick as possible. It also allows your team to take autonomy and flow organically, so time will always be well spent on what's most important.
Stand-up Challenges for Remote Teams
Being in sync with your team is crucial for developing excellent products or services. This need has been intensified by the rise of remote and hybrid work models, which have disrupted traditional workplace dynamics.
Most people were used to physical face-to-face conversations, with an array of resources that cannot be replicated in a video meeting. Virtually sharing a cup of coffee to talk about last night's game is just not the same…
In this new context, daily stand-up meetings have also undergone changes. Standing in front of your computer while sharing blockers may not feel the same as before. The dynamics of tossing a ball to the next speaker may be missing. However, there are ways to adapt and make the most of the situation while also optimizing your budget.
Let's explore the challenges you may face when organizing a stand-up for a team with remote members.
a. Find the right time
Depending on where your colleagues are, you could have difficulty coordinating the best time for the meeting; you should also consider that everyone has different routines, and adding a meeting in the morning or afternoon can affect their workflow.
b. Poor synchronization
When the team members are in different time zones, it can create challenges during stand-up meetings. For example, if it’s morning for one team member, it might be nighttime for another. This can lead to delays in updating the shared dashboard, mismatched working hours for daily objectives, and potential compliance gaps.
c. Losing the connection between members
Colleagues who value social interaction may feel a sense of distance and isolation when they are unable to see the faces of other teammates. This lack of visual connection can lead to reduced concentration and ultimately result in an inefficient stand-up.
The above are common obstacles in the remote work model, but let’s not lose sight of its advantages: greater flexibility, autonomy, and better work-life balance, which enhance all productivity, health, and team cohesion.
By adopting Agile methodologies, we can overcome traditional barriers and improve communication. Ceremonies such as sprint planning, sprint review, regular stand-ups, and retrospectives greatly help to learn to analyze and organize work as a distributed team.
But ceremonies alone won't do the trick. You must thoughtfully consider their features and the reason they work that way. For example, you don't want to time-box your stand-up meeting just for the sake of doing it. You should know that people's time costs money to the organization and be aware of other contextual conditions, including attention lifespan and neurological patterns.
8 Tips for Efficient Stand-up Meetings
Neglecting the fundamental aspects of stand-up meetings may not sound that bad, but it can significantly reduce the benefits these meetings offer.
Now, instead of dwelling on potential mistakes, let’s shift our focus to improvement. Some time ago, Julio Gónzalez, VPO at Encora México, shared a concrete and practical list of ideas to enhance your stand-ups. Based on his expertise, we present you with the Catapult Labs team’s version of these valuable insights.
1. Get into a routine
Find a time zone that is friendly to the majority of the team; it must be a moment that can be repeated every day at the same time and remains fixed on the agenda. This helps new members get into the habit, and members who are away on vacation or sick get up to speed quickly when they return.
Part of the routine is to analyze the frequency with which these meetings are necessary; it's okay if your team decides not to have them daily. But, if your stand-ups are held only during certain days of the week, it's crucial to maintain consistency. If you pick Mondays, stick to them! This will allow everyone to prepare ahead of time.
And always remember to start and finish the meetings on time. Don’t try to give some members more minutes, and compensate by extending the stand-up because this will quickly become a bad habit. The team must learn to synthesize their participation allowing everyone to speak.
2. Focus on the flow of work
Connecting with the above, we advise you to follow the scheduled agenda. If people start talking endlessly about accomplishments and opinions, your stand-up can easily miss the time-box and waste everybody's time.
Peers should focus on sharing updates that foster collaboration and take blockers out of the way, obviously, with the support of a Scrum Master. Personal achievements can be shared and celebrated outside of the meeting.
It is equally important for everyone to actively listen to their colleagues in order to identify opportunities for assistance. This enables the team to make necessary adjustments to the work plan if needed.
3. Visually represent progress
This approach has been used by teams for years, adorning office walls with post-it notes. It's important to remember that visual aids enhance communication and engagement.
Tools like Jira boards have made it convenient for remote and distributed teams to track the progress of tasks. As you wrap up the stand-up, encourage everyone to update their dashboard, move their cards, and indicate the status of their work.
4. Stop solving issues
You've heard this one before too many times, so why does your team keep falling into the same trap? We understand the temptation: everyone is present, so let’s brainstorm and solve the problem on the spot… However, 15 minutes later, after everyone has shared their ideal solution, there's no tangible outcome and the meeting has overrun.
It’s important to remember that the stand-up is not the time for problem-solving but rather for raising awareness about issues. Once the problems have been identified, schedule a separate meeting with the relevant stakeholders to find a solution without involving team members who are not directly affected by the problem.
5. Avoid repetition
The idea behind sharing task updates and blockers regularly is to address and resolve them actively. If these issues remain on the board meeting after meeting, it may indicate that certain individuals are not fulfilling their responsibilities.
Make the team mindful of this and ensure the Scrum Master and the involved peers take ownership of delayed tasks.
6. Invite the involved team members
You want to be careful about who gets invited to the meeting, as the team will be discussing issues, and things can get sensitive. You don't want to make your colleagues feel like their failures and frustrations get exposed in front of management.
If you want to invite other stakeholders, set up a different meeting for that.
7. Tracking the blockers
Scrum Masters play a vital role in supporting your team by assisting in removing blockers. Encourage and support them in taking charge and finding solutions. Additionally, training employees to take ownership and actively seek solutions is highly beneficial.
We always recommend you to end the stand-up by creating a list of crucial points and issues that need further attention. Sharing this list with the team encourages collective problem-solving and collaboration.
8. Adopt a specialized tool
Put down the worksheets and look for specialized tools instead. You may be on the right track if you're already using Jira. You can go further and look for a tool that can automatically collect the status of your colleagues so you spend less time in the video meeting.
These eight practices are a great starting point for conducting effective stand-up meetings.
However, considering the challenges faced by remote teams, here’s an additional piece of advice: be open to the idea of asynchronous stand-ups. This approach allows you to reduce the time spent in meetings, avoid disrupting your teammates' schedules, and still reap all the benefits of this meaningful ceremony.
Automated & Asynchronous Stand-up Meetings
One hard truth about hybrid and remote work models is that they will never replicate what the physical workplace is like, no matter how many video meetings and corporate social networks you throw in. Although, the next logical step is accepting this reality and exploring alternative options.
So, can asynchronous stand-ups be effective?
With StandBot, you will free up space in your team's agenda by not having to hold daily meetings. This bot will allow everyone, regardless of their time zone or routine, to deliver their updates in just a couple of minutes by integrating with your team's Slack channel and individually asking each member (that is currently on said channel) about their current status, including the tasks they are working on and any blockers they may be facing. After gathering this information, StandBot will generate and post a detailed report in the designated channel, ensuring everyone is informed and up to date.
You can learn more about how StandBot can automate your stand-ups here or start a 30-day free trial.
Now what?
Whether you decide to stick with traditional meetings or switch to automated stand-ups, we believe these tips can significantly improve your collaboration practices and lead to better outcomes.
And as Julio Gonzalez says: "The mantra of keeping stand-ups short and on target will reap countless benefits. And maybe the practice will spread to other time syncs … er … I mean, meetings."
More about stand-ups:
Trying to improve your #Agile practices? OR are you getting started with Agile? Are you in a remote team? Check out our products for Agile teams at CatapultLabs. We focus on making agile ceremonies more effective and easier to adopt for remote teams.
Check out our Atlassian tools:
- Agile Retrospectives for Confluence
- Agile Retrospectives for Jira
- Scrum Poker for Confluence
- Scrum Poker for Jira
- Stand.bot for Jira + Slack also!
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